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Hooked on Hatchlings Curse, A Mate Lost? #MFRWauthor

The dragshi are more than just a man or woman, but two beings—one human, the other a dragon. The pair share one body in space and time and are able to change forms with the other at will. But be warned, a dragon form comes with more than just the freedom of the sky.

The Dragshi Chronicles-- action-filled, romance-laden fantasies.

After millennia of waiting...and searching, Branin and his dragon counterpart, Llewlyn, have found their intended mates.
For the dragshi, the freedom of flight comes with a price--childlessness. Now Branin has to find a cure. Cryptic references to mating flights offer hope, but dark references about the deaths of suitors threatens not only his life, but the dreams of all dragon shifters.

Last week's excerpt ended with Branin being wounded when he served as wingman for the mating flight of his two friends. Since there were requests to see what happens next, a scene that answers the question.


Anastasia raced off the ledge. Between one step and the next, the changing mist surrounded her and she emerged on the wing. Blocking out the pain of Branin’s wounds, she rushed toward the aerial fight.

Another searing wave of agony surged through her veins. Redness clouded her vision. It felt like her arm had been severed from her body. Twisting her head, she expected to see her limb hanging uselessly at her side, but it still beat in symphony with the other. It was not her pain, not her body being clawed and torn. <Hang on, Branin,> Anastasia cried. <I’m coming.>

Her searching gaze found what it feared. A black spot plummeted to the ground, growing closer with each heartbeat.

<Branin, no!> Anastasia screamed.

The link with Jessian throbbed with the power the dragon fed through it. <We will save them.> Then in an even stronger cry the dragon soul called out to her mate. <Llewlyn, live for me!>

Anastasia’s entire being focused on the falling Branin. I will save him... or die.

She reached him and moaned at the sliced hide flapping in the wind. In an intricate maneuver, she placed her body directly beneath the amber dragon, bearing his full weight on her back. Muscles strained as she fought to slow their descent.

Her burden was too great and the jagged mountain peaks too close. In a final attempt, Anastasia circled into an updraft, using the mountain itself to aid her quest. Heartbeat after heartbeat, she balanced the opposing forces until she crashed through tree branches to the ground. With a gentleness of a mother with a babe, she eased her burden to the thick moss. Glacial ice surrounded her heart at the limp wings and boneless neck.

From deep in her mind came a questioning. Would healing fire work on the dragon form?

* * *

Buy Links:   One Click Link to major ebook sellers.
Click here for another excerpt and a free read of the first chapter.


  1. this doesn't sound good. Fingers crossed the healing fire will help.

  2. Great excerpt, Helen, exciting and compelling. And now we're really asking what happens next? Wonderful hook. Tweeted.

  3. Enjoyed the excerpt: Suspenseful

  4. Riveting action, easy to follow even though it's totally outside my experience.


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