
Finding new sources

One of the issues when researching setting, events, or even the attributes for a character is finding a source. Which often can mean finding someone to talk. Historical societies can be a font of information. And not just dates and events, but town personalities as well.
A favorite cartoon that I used to to take to book signings and lectures related to the topic of people's memories. In the first panel, the author is interviewing several old timers, requesting information on town events. To a man they said things like, "nothing happened here," or "nothing to talk about." The next panel is at the book signing. These same old timers who provide any information on the town history when asked, are looming over the poor author. "Why didn't you include XXX?" and "Why didn't you mention YYY, he was important to the town."

Special events and anniversaries provide a unique view into the past of an area. And the way an event is commemorated (or not) provides insight as well. An advantage is that at anniversary events is that memories are at the forefront.

And at happy occasions, people are often more willing to talk. 

Happy researching. Click on the pull-down meni for more information on the dark side (aka non-fiction) books that required a lot of research.
~Till next time. Helen

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