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Suriving the Writing Life When You're Not the Author #MFRWauthor

This week's challenge prompt is "how my family survives my writing." It actually is a repeat of a topic we were challenged with in the beginning of last year. To devote more time to my NanoWriMo project I reviewed the earlier post and updated it. 

So "How Does my family survive my writing?"

Through my entire professional career both as a writer and all the other occupations/careers/jobs I've had over the years, I've always kept my personal and professional life separate. I was not one of those writers who had their spouse read their work or who co-wrote together. I think that was one of the secrets to my husband's surviving the world of books. We each had our own thing.

That doesn't mean that there was no interaction between our worlds. We both have an interest in history and outdoor activities so when those areas intersected with the writing life we both participated. Research trips to museums and military reenactments were an family trip, as were those to antique shows. the common interest in the outdoors was expressed with a sunset walk along the boardwalk. When photographs were needed, there were two bicycles on the local trails and he was always there to give a hand over a rough patch on the mountain hiking trail so that my camera wouldn't be damaged.

I write while he's reading his paper or out at a meeting or volunteering.

What's your secret to your family, whether it's a spouse or children, surviving your writing life? Leave a comment below.

And be sure to visit the other authors who are sharing their survival tactics.

~till next time, Helen


  1. My husband and I also share an interest in history!

  2. Seems like you have a great balance. My writing life tends to bleed into everything I do. I'm not unhappy about that though. Its what every small business owner probably does.

  3. Hubs & I have done many research trips together. He loves driving, loves getting out of the house for day trips. We explore on vacations, too. While he's more of a non-fiction reader, he supports my fiction writing.

  4. Sounds like you've developed a nice rhythm in your writing/life balance. Kudos.

  5. Nice post. It sounds like you hve it together.

  6. Back in the early days when I had print books, my husband would occasionally drive me to a book signing, and one was three hundred miles away. If the audience was quiet, he'd usually ask the first question if my son didn't beat him to it. That started other questions. The audience got a kick out of them being there.

  7. I wanted to thank you for this very good read!!
    I definitely enjoyed every little bit of it. I've got you book marked
    to look at new stuff you post?


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