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Weakness Makes Us Strong #MFRWAuthor

Those that know me, know that there is a line beyond which I won't divulge personal information. So how to handle the prompt, "My Greatest Weakness." I finally decided to start off with a quote from a song that for me has become my personal theme. But no, using the lyrics from "As Good As I Once Was" would violate copyright. But I trust from the title you can tell that the weakness I'm discussing is age.

A lady never reveals her true age. That said, I admit to having passed the double nickel. By whatever grace or luck, I am able to do pretty much everything I used to, just not as long or as often. (Hence the reason the song is on the spindle). I can still type the same number of words as when I aced the skill exam for my first "professional" job, but the fingers get stiffer and typing becomes more of a chore after a few hours. More important (and frustrating) is the reduced ability to multi-task. Instead of juggling eight or ten or even 12 tasks simultaneously, focus is concentrated on one thing at a time.

And as for the title of the post? Fingerless gloves keep fingers more nimble. From weakness came a strength--greater organization. Organization ensures the single task is done more efficiently and hopefully quicker. Click on the list below to see what the other authors are sharing.

~till next time, Helen


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by. I'm still as good as I once was, but maybe not as often or for as long. But I'll take what I can get.

  2. Great that you managed to find a way around your weakness. I've often thought about getting fingerless gloves because my hands get so cold during the winter. Organization...yeah not sure I know what that word means. LOL I'm good with keeping my kid's stuff straight and the rest falls by the wayside.

    1. Organization is one of those things you can never let get away from you. I never said my entire life is organized . I would love it to be, but there aren't enough hours in the day. Keeping kids stuff straight is an amazing task by itself.

  3. I love it. I think the fact that double nickel is lost far back in my rear view mirror is as strength...except for the marketing issues.

    1. You're right that not being able to do 20 things at once can hamper you when marketing. And it takes more work to get a good headshot.

  4. You're right about organization making tasks easier. Sure wish I was organized! Great post!

    1. I wish I could stay organized. Each time I get there, the mess gremlins try to take over.

  5. Adaptation and flexibility is the true strength. It helps with writing, living, loving, being. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hah! The double nickel is nothing. I'm so old I'm collecting Social Security AND Canadian Social Insurance.


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