Looking to start a new romance fantasy series? Need a new beach read? The Windmaster Novels are half-off at Smashwords.
But act fast, the sale ends July 31st.
And a request, the best gift you can give an author is a review. One would be greatly appreciated.


Reading...read...read again #MFRWauthor

This weeks challenge topic is a tricky question--your favorite books.

I want to answer with the title of one of my books--or all of them. But that would be tacky. I could say the Chronicles of Storn by the wandering sailor or the romantic suspenses of Carol McPhee, but then a certain company might pull my reviews.

I've always been a voracious reader. Thank goodness we had a county library. Even if their stacks were supplemented by lots of auction box lots. I went through my mother's Cherry Ames series, then the young adult books of the time such as Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. I devoured the science fiction of E. E. Doc Smith, Isaac Asimov, and many more. The Executioner adventure series by Don Pendleton and its spinoff, Able Team, filled a different interest before I worked my way through my father's boxes of western books.

Those trends have stayed with me. A short list of my favorite books follows, but I won't reveal how many times each has been read.

5) The Virginian, Owen Wister
4) Chronicles of the Lensemen, E. E. Doc Smith
3) The Shadow Riders, Lois L'Amour
2) The Adept, Kathryn Kurtz
1) Pegasus in Space, Tower and Hive series, Anne McCaffrey

~till next time, Helen

And be sure to visit the other posts in the challenge to see what books other authors claim as their favorites.

And here's a couple of corrections where the gremlins ate the links.

The link to Valerie's post is

The link to Sherry Lewis is

The link to Mary J. McCoy-Dressel's is


  1. I haven't read any of the books on your list. I'll have to check them out!

    1. Except for Kurtz's the adept series, the books are old enough to now be considered classics. Says something about my age :(

  2. I've read other books by all of the authors on your list, but the only one of the books you listed that I've read is Pegasus in Space. As a fan of science fiction, I was glad to see so much of the genre on your list.

    1. Although I don't write much science fiction, I do love a well-written tale. To me, fantasy and science fiction are kissing cousins. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Thanks for sharing, Helen. I devoured The Boxcar Children and Agatha Christi novels, too. Nancy Drew wasn't as interesting but Louis L'Amour sure could hook me!

    1. I think I read Nancy Drew 1) because that was what all the other girls were reading and 2) the shelf of them was there. We weren't always able to make the 12-mile drive to the library, so any book was better than none. L'Amour hooked me even more when it went big screen. Tom Selleck and Sam Elliot, my kind of cowboy.

  4. I loved Nancy Drew when I was young too. I have some of them now. I liked the Shadow Riders too. Fun Post.

    1. To cleanout the shelves so that the other 3 boxes can be unpacked went through all the titles. Shadow Riders and the Sackett series went back on the shelf, not in the box for the VA hospital. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Since my goal for 2017 is to read books outside my genre I'm getting some good options to add to my TBR.

    1. what I love about science fiction is that within the same genre there is such wide variance. If you want to try a little scifi or fantasy, click on the covers in the sidebar for a free fantasy novella or short story. r for scifi, have a free short story here, http://helenhenderson-author.blogspot.com/p/withym.html


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