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Windmaster Behind the Scenes - Carved Doors

Carved in the panels of a pair of ancient wooden doors, the mottos of the trading guild, House of Cszabo, were introduced in Windmaster. Fair Trade – Fair Profit triggered Ellspeth's childhood memories of when she took trips with her grandmother Rima. Voyages which set the stage for Ellspeth's own destiny as the bearer of golden bracelets of command. And imbued in her the proper way to treat others. I used gold bracelets to mirror the way her guild implemented the golden rule.

The second guild motto, Kin Above All – But Honor, did more than illustrate Ellspeth's sense of duty. It sent her on the vengeance path with the Archmage. To her kin meant more than just by blood, it also pertained to any member of her trading house. So the death of her cabin boy and the attempted murder of her entire crew by a kinsman broke the vow both ways.

There were several inspirations for the second motto. Bushido, a Samurai code that places honor above all else. The actual working of the inspiration for the motto was “Loyalty before all else except honor.” Lt. Vincent Hardy, Striking Distance.

Hope you enjoyed this insight into the Windmaster Novels. Visit the page for more information and buy links. 

~Till next time, Helen

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