Looking to start a new romance fantasy series? Need a new beach read? The Windmaster Novels are half-off at Smashwords.
But act fast, the sale ends July 31st.
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Narration or Imagination #MFRWauthor

This blog focuses on books, writers, and the writing life. The only recipe you will find apart from one made by one of my characters or one uncovered in historical research is the one from the challenge later this year. So when the topic of inspirations appeared on the challenge, that presented a challenge. Do I narrate the world around me, take the easy way out, or chose the option behind door number 3. I'll let you decide for yourselves as here are some inspirations for posts, either from the past or yet to come.

  • legends from the world of the dragshi
  • rides with the magical equines of Imprisoned in Stone and the world of Windmaster


  • legends from the world we inhabit
  • research sources and information that intriques for possible storylines
  • pictures that inspired a storyline

  • other blogs on writing, writing life/li>
  • how-to articles on writing, writing life, marketing
  • snippits from books, both mine and others
  • share news. Releases of my books and those of friends, colleagues, and even some strangers. The best kind of news -- when books get stars or win a contest.
That's just a few of the inspirations for a blog whose tagline is "Journey to the stars and worlds of imagination. Here's your itinerary for your trip into fantasy or the future." Be sure to click on the links below to see what inspires the blogs of the other authors in the challenge.

The gremlins ate a link. Try these. Valerie Ullmer / Mary J. Dressel / Kathy Brockman


  1. Enjoy your post! Wait- have you already completed the rest of the year's posts?! You mentioned about the recipe for MFRW later this year (looks at the MFRW schedule)- wow. I'm impressed! I'm usually getting my post for MFRW together the day before.

    1. Busted. Yes the posts are done. I was in a dry writing period, and since I knew the end of the year was going to be super crazy (lost health insurance again! four companies left in as many years.) I used the challenge as a way to unwind and get back into the writing groove. glad you enjoyed the list.

  2. Yeah what Maureen said! You can find me trying to do the week's post on the Thursday before it's do. I suck at planning in all things apparently. LOL

    1. planning has nothing to do with it. I looked at the list and decided to do the easier ones first. Then filled in the blanks. The problem is remembering to sign up in the linky list each week. Keep forgetting to do it for the book hooks. nobody can do everything.:)

  3. I always try to get ahead, but I'm usually writing the week's blog post on Thursday afternoon, too. You have an impressive list of inspirations here!

    1. Thank you. I always envy those who have guest posts every week, or who regularly post their opinions or travels. But the variety is what makes each blog unique. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. This is a great list. Reading through it gives me lots of ideas for future posts. And if you have all your year's posts for the challenge prepped, I'm impressed!

    1. Just because a post is written doesn't mean it's done. Wednesday night I was creating graphics. Although I admit some of the posts are really done. It might have been cheating to work ahead but I used some rare open time to advantage.My excuse? I really wanted to complete the challenge. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I usually start the next week's post after I've pubbed the recent one, then polish and publish on Thursday. This week I simply lost track of the days! Blame my kids' Fall Break....

    1. Distractions are always a hazard for even the most organized person. I like the idea of starting the next post as soon as one is finished. In fact I used it for the first dozen or so posts. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. All great ideas for future blog posts!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Now if I can find the time to translate the inspiration into regular posts I'll be on cloud nine. But too prone to shiny objects and a notebook full of todo items.

  7. You cover a great variety of things. Lots of great ideas.

  8. Wow I’m impressed I may get one she’d but to be done? Go gurl.

    1. with caregiving I had to do what I can when I can. So some posts are short lists. But that gives time for the harder topics. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Lots of great inspiration here!

    1. My pleasure. My wish for everyone is the time and energy to put what inspiration we find into words.

  10. I can't believe you have the rest of the year's blog hop posts done. I bet you have your Christmas shopping done, too. I think I hate you. ;-)

  11. Christmas shopping? I wish I was done. The thought of it scares me to death. I used to have it done by mid-november. Of course I was going to craft shows and setting up at street fairs every week so had more than one store to shop at. Things have changed. This year the family got too big and too scattered so we've decided only doing the elderly and grandchildren. And I expect I'll be wrapping last-minute purchases at midnight christmas eve. Times change. :(

  12. Wow, congrats on finishing the topics. You've also given a lot of ideas to consider. I love the horse word cloud: Reading is Magic. Writing creates it.

    1. Thank you. It seems this week's challenge resonated qite a bit with people. Glad you stopped by.


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