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Hooked on First Change, The Fever, #MFRWauthor #MFRWHooks

Book Hooks - First Change
(Book 5 of the Dragshi Chronicles)

The dragshi are more than just a man or woman. Each are two beings–one a dragon, the other a human–sharing one body in space in time and able to change forms with the other at will. Their world and the adventures of the dragon shifters are recorded in the Dragshi Chronicles

Within each of the chronicles, the ceoltiers, the keepers of the past and teachers of the present, recount some legend. As with all such tales, some contain larger than life deeds. Others are the simple story of a man or woman doing what must be done, regardless of the cost. Sometimes embellished, the ceoltiers use the stories of times and actions past to educate and inspire.

Unlike the previous works in the series which related to the trader girl Anastasia and Lord Branin Llewlyn, First Change features the real story behind the legends told in the previous volumes. It contains five stories of duty and honor, love and loss, happiness and despair from the chronicles. As with all such tales, some contain larger than life deeds. Others are the simple story of a man or woman doing what must be done, regardless of the cost.

Excerpt from Between Swords and Sickness:

Geelneach sank back onto the bench. More than exhaustion kept him rooted in place. Before he retired for the night, he needed to see Maliyah, but feared what he would find. He pushed himself to his feet. Slow steps took him around the barricade built in front of the doors as a last line of defense. Silently, he shambled through the great hall and down the long hallway.

The sight of his wife's pale face above the covers and her sweat-dampened curls halted him at the entrance to a small room in what normally would be a private office. She tossed in the throes of a hallucination he prayed she would not remember upon awakening. As he had in the woods, he searched for Maliyah’s heartbeat beneath his. Reassured, he crossed the room and sank to his knees at the bedside.

“Easy, my love,” Geelneach whispered and took her hand in his. Her questing fingers tightened around his. “I’m here,” he murmured. “Sleep... rest.”

At his low words, the fevered movements quieted.

~ * ~

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More information on the other novellas and bonus short stories in First Change can be found here.


  1. What do you mean by her heartbeat beneath his? Beneath his heart?

    1. The dragshi are telepathically connected so that mates can sense the other's emotions and heartbeat.

  2. Replies
    1. Not to give it away, but she not only does, but they have a special HEA after she has her first change and takes on dragon form. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Interesting world building. I enjoyed the snippet.

    1. Thanks. And I enjoyed the excerpt from Tova's Dragon that you posted.


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