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Hooked on First Change, After The Dance #MFRWHooks

The dragshi are more than just a man or woman. Each are two beings–one a dragon, the other a human–sharing one body in space in time and able to change forms with the other at will. Their world and the adventures of the dragon shifters are recorded in the Dragshi Chronicles.

Within each of the chronicles, the ceoltiers, the keepers of the past and teachers of the present, recount some legend. As with all such tales, some contain larger than life deeds. Others are the simple story of a man or woman doing what must be done, regardless of the cost. Sometimes embellished, the ceoltiers use the stories of times and actions past to educate and inspire.

Unlike the previous works in the series which related to the trader girl Anastasia and Lord Branin Llewlyn, First Change features the real story behind the legends told in the previous volumes. First Change contains five stories of duty and honor, love and loss, happiness and despair from the chronicles. As with all such tales, some contain larger than life deeds. Others are the simple story of a man or woman doing what must be done, regardless of the cost.

The excerpts from MAGIC AND STEEL have followed Kedar and the one he protected, the Lady Mairin to a festival. Her stalker has been introduced both at a distance and up close when he claimed the right of a dance. I'm ending the series from MAGIC and STEEL with a touch of heat and cold.

Now this week's excerpt:

The tune changed to a quick beat and Kedar took a step towards the food tables. A wicked grin on her face, Mairin held fast. “I love the dragon wing dance,” she said. “And, Kedar, you can’t tell me you don’t know the steps. I saw you and a village girl perform it at a winter entertainment.”

Unable to deny the truth, Kedar submitted. Calling upon the knowledge learned from hours of practice, he slid his arm around Mairin’s waist.

She responded to his lead as if they had partnered for years. Usually not performed beyond the walls of Cloud Eyrie, the moves of the dragon wing dance were unknown to most of the townspeople. One by one, the other couples withdrew from the dance floor leaving Mairin and Kedar alone—and the center of attention. The music rose to a crescendo. In response, he spun her into a dip and they held the tableau. Applause and calls of, “kiss her,” rang in Kedar’s ears. Placing Mairin on her feet, he matched her curtsy with a deep bow.

The ceoltier leading the musicians raised his voice to be heard above the clamor. “Ladies and gentlemen, the Ceoltier Guild thanks each and all for attending. That magnificent rendition of the dragon wing dance concludes the evening. The food vendors want to catch a few hours sleep and the dawning comes too quick. However, I’ve been asked to mention that the inn will be open for those who wish to continue the festival.”

Kedar waved to the ceoltiers, and an arm around Mairin’s waist guided her toward the line of coaches arriving to take the revelers home. He threw a thought at a familiar shape standing just beyond the festival entrance. <Birog, I’m taking Mairin back to the compound. >

<I’ll have the coach brought to the front of the line,> the ceoltier replied.

To prevent Mairin from sensing his plans, he bought two glasses of wine and they drank it as he guided her through the festival. Several coaches blocked the one Birog said was waiting. It wasn’t the open space that triggered an alarm in Kedar’s senses, but the narrow passageways between the buildings. Each provided the perfect location for a footpad—or an assassin—to wait.

Fur brushed against his leg. Faoth moved ahead, slipping from shadow to shadow, slowing in each pool of black. Kedar used the delay to examine a plate of beef strips on one table or a slice of cake on another, until Faoth moved on.

Finally, they reached the end of the vendors and the ceoltier’s wagon still could not reach them. His senses stretched to their maximum awareness, Kedar headed down the street.

Mairin suddenly stopped, falling into Kedar, spinning them into a narrow passage between two warehouses. The movement ended with him entangled in Mairin’s arms and his back against the rough stones of a wall. Her warm breath danced along his cheek. “I believe it is traditional to end the dragon wing with a kiss.”

Her lips pressed against his.

Fire raced in his veins. Every muscle strained to pull her close, to blend their bodies.

You cannot, duty hissed. Mairin is not safe.

The warning allowed Kedar to keep a part of himself detached from Mairin’s advances. His attention focused not on her, but the opposite wall. He swore what had been a shadow detached itself from the structure.

~ * ~

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Additional excerpts from the three novellas (and two bonus short stories) in First Change.


  1. Oh wow... this is a great spot to end if you want to drive your readers crazy. LOL Love this scene.

  2. Romance AND suspense. Fantastic, Helen!

    1. eventually there will be a full-fledged encounter between the stalker/raider and the hero. but there's a little road to travel yet. Thanks for the kind words.

  3. Great excerpt and the kiss ending draws the reader forward.

    1. thanks for confirming the excerpt does what I'd hoped. glad you enjoyed it.

  4. Love this. There's plenty of threats and intrigue underlain by a dollop of sexual awareness.


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