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Hooked on Hatchling's Mate, A Bully and Fun? #MFRWhooks

Summer a time of fun and gatherings. Since the season is winding down, a snippit from Hatchling's Mate of what one of the characters considers fun-standing up to a bully. To fully understand the scene, first a spoiler. Glyn is actually a female, but is disguised as a male because of her role as  bodyguard. Neither Talann nor Kynan know Glyn's true gender at this point in the story.


Light conversation alternated with scans of the room. Glyn tracked the serving girl’s progress across the room.

“Sorry for the delay,” the girl said, arriving at the table. “I think all of Selbair is here tonight.” With a quick curtsey that sent an errant curl into her face, she set the tray on the table.

Glyn handed two copper coins. “One for the ales, the other for you.”

Dimples showed in the young girls cheeks. “Thank you, kind sir. If you need anything, just whistle.” Winking, she turned to answer another customer’s call.

Kynan elbowed Glyn and pointed toward the swinging backside of the departing server. “She looks like she would warm a man’s bed at night.” Taking Glyn’s lack of response as hesitation, Kynan added. “She’s interested.”

<Doesn’t Glyn like girls?>

Shock rocked Glyn. While Talann’s thoughts always came in clear when he sent them, the question was obviously not intended to be heard. Surprise added thickness to her tone. “If you like her so much, Kynan, why don’t you bed her?” Glyn said in a low growl.

“Because the wench didn’t wink at me,” Kynan laughed. “But we are not here for trouble, but to toast a friend.” Smiling, he raised his mug and clinked it against Talann’s.

“That woman is mine,” a deep voice said from behind Kynan’s shoulder.

Glyn looked up into the angry visage of the man she had marked earlier as a bully. “By law and custom, a woman is free to make her own choice.” Although she knew it would start a fight, she could not resist adding, “Though why one would choose you eludes me?”

Redness colored the skin beneath the man’s beard. “You must like boys. After all you ride a mare. No self-respecting man would ride a woman’s horse.”

The reality of the Buar’s heritage broadened Glyn’s smile. Despite her gender, the mare’s fine lines and implied strength brought out a primitive reaction in most men. Most could not resist stroking the soft neck, even if they didn’t know Buar was a seidheirn.

“A good horse is a good horse, no matter whether mare or stallion,” Glyn said. A shrug and she added, “I’ll stand Buar against a stallion who’s muscled, but has no brain.”

“Mares, like girls, are good for one thing,” the bully said. His grin left little to the imagination nor did his hand gesture implying the act of a stallion mounting a mare.

Across the table, Kynan dropped a hand to the dagger in his boot. Talann gathered his feet beneath him. <This could be fun.>

~  ~ ~

Hatchling's Mate - From their birth it was expected that Talann’s and Lexii’s destiny would be entwined. However fate had other intentions. Lexii and Talann could not stand to be together.

Click here for another excerpt and a free read of the first chapter.

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BIG NEWS: Order Paperback Now. In a few weeks they will be gone. When they will be winging back no one knows at this time. Available at:  Amazon  Barnes&Noble  IndieBound


  1. Fabulous snippet. Makes me want to know more

  2. Replies
    1. Well, I wouldn't call it much of a fight as you'll see next week. But it does give insight into Glyn's life as a bodyguard.

  3. Replies
    1. I hate to be that transparent, but you're right.

  4. Oh lord. lol This will be interesting...

    1. Since everyone seems to like the clip, next week, you can see Glyn's reaction to the challenge.

  5. Now we get to see how she handles herself in a barroom brawl. She'll be very ladylike, I'm sure . . . not.

    1. you are so right. You can't pretend to be a man and act ladylike. No gowns, no dresses, but a lot of fights. :)


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