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Fantasies? Are they Real? #MFRWauthor

We're at week 51. Where has the year gone? Just one more post in the 2018 challenge. We are supposed to write about "my fantasy vacation." Now that is hard to do. It's been a while since I've been on a vacation. And those were not round-the-world cruises, but simpler things, usually a camping trip.

I could write about a trip I'd like to take. Dreams can be good or bad, a fantasy or a nightmare. So I could write about a vacation I'd like to take. But the topic was met by the dream journeys post in the 2017 challenge. 

To answer the question of a fantasy vacation? I don't know if there is such a thing. You can plan everything, then have an unexpected illness throw them into a cocked hat. Hotel rooms booked months in advance are double booked and your suite becomes the single next to the elevator. Storms delay takeoff. You don't miss the connecting flight, but end up spending an extra four hours on hard chairs in the airport.

So I'm back to the 2017 post. As a writer of fantasy, my fantasy vacation will be to the British Isles to see the Emerald Isle, Wales, and the heart-home of my Scottish heritage.

Photo by Emily Roesly at

There's just one most post in the challenge. Congratulations to the other authors in the challenge who have made it to this point.
~till next time, Helen


  1. Replies
    1. I think we need to charter an airplane there's so many want to go to the isles. :)

  2. I've had a hotel room next to the elevator before and hope to never have that happen again. Your fantasy vacation sounds wonderful!

    1. What was worse than the room next to the elevator was after having made reservations weeks in advance arriving at the hotel to find the room not only between the elevator and the ice machine (kachunk, kachunk) but under construction. No other rooms were available in the entire place so we ended up going elsewhere. Then had to fight to get our money back. We did better with a tent in a rainstorm.


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