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Hooked on Windmaster Legend, No is Not Acceptable #mfrwauthor #mfrwhook

A forbidden love. An impossible quest. The accusation of witchcraft. Can love survive?


The scene takes place the night of the captain's conclave just after Pelra refuses Leod's advances. This is what happens after her suggestion that he return to the party because
There should be someone there suitable for you.”

His slap rocked Pelra’s head back against the hedge. A hiss escaped her lips. Leod’s hard grip on her arm numbed her fingers, and the cases clattered to the ground. Instinctively, she shifted her feet to avoid stepping on the cases and damaging the precious instruments inside.

Leod’s yank hauled her to her feet. “We will dance, my lady. If not on your feet, then on your back.”

Shock and fear fought for control of Pelra’s legs. One emotion wanted to run, and the other held her in place. Anger that she would be attacked rose above the other emotions. I am at a party in the king’s garden. Even worse, her attacker was a member of her own trading house, in essence, kin. That slight reminder of who she was broke Pelra’s paralysis. A sharp twist of her wrist and she was free of Leod’s grasp. Two steps not only gave her room to maneuver, it drew her attacker away from the instruments.

Strategic options whirled in her mind. A glance revealed no weapons at hand. It’s up to me. As commander of a caravan, she’d been in plenty of fights. Just not, she admitted, hampered by a long gown. With one hand she gathered the skirt and hiked it a mere finger-length, so the hem rose to her ankle. The other hand reached as if to smooth an errant curl.

Leod’s eyes widened. His lips parted.

Pelra’s fingers tightened around the longest of the pins that held her hair in a crown around her head. That one will get a surprise. I am no tavern girl selling myself for a few coins. Instructions from the guild’s weaponsmasters solidified a strategy in her mind. Let him come to you—then strike.

~ * ~

You'll have to read the book to see the ultimate outcome. But a hint is at Performing Isn't Rewarded

~till next time, Helen

Windmaster Legend is now RELEASED. 

Paperback: Amazon / Amazon UK / Barnes&Noble 

Ebook: Amazon / Amazon UK / Amazon CABarnes&Noble  / Smashwords  / Books2Read


  1. She doesn't mess around, does she? What may be the consequences if she injures him while defending herself?

  2. Give him exactly what he deserves, Pelra.

  3. Nice to see a heroine not only stand up for herself, but also think about how to defend her honor.

  4. Ordered and waiting for the book to arrive. Love the heroine. She is tough and courageous.


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