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W is for World Building

One of the more interesting parts of writing fantasy is creating the world you'll be living in for months or years. World building includes the joy of research, but that letter was taken by "R is for Religion." Which is one aspect of world building.

While I write, photos of various setting are either in a notebook for easy reference or pinned to the wall of my writing space. There have been images of the horses that inspired the magical equines of the Dragshi Chronicles, the Windmaster Novels, and Imprisoned in Stone. Real-world setttings that inspired the fantasy ones of Windmaster Legacy included the Australian Outback and Uluru (formerly known as Ayers Rock.)

A trip into a Pennsylvania coal mine provied the basis for Ellspeth's experiences as she traveled in the cave of the circlet. The culture for FIRE AND ICE from the novella and short story collection First Change: Legends From the Eyrie came from time in the orient. Besides personal experience (which is a bit difficult for writers of fantasy) there are resources such as Worldbuilding Magazine to help you design your culture.

While I may not be able to physically travel to Hawaii or Scotland, my characters, and through them you, can. I hope you'll enjoy your travels to the stars and worlds of imagination. As a special gift, I invite you to visit the planet Withym and search for artifacts. But be warned, the volcano means to protect her treasures. To join the adventure, click on the cover.

  Click on the button to find my next post in the challenge.  Remember, it won't be live until midnight after this entry.

If you're interested in following other blogs in the A to Z in April challenge, click on the logo for the master list of the other participants.

~till next time, Helen 

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