
Burial at Sea, Windmaster #SnippetSunday, #WeWriWa #8Sunday

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write ... and read!

Today's excerpt is from Windmaster, the first book of the fantasy, romance series, the Windmaster Novels. 

To set the scene, Sea Falcon was attacked by a pirate ship. Thanks to the skill of the crew and the archmage's magic, the ship won the conflict. But it came with a price. And now the SundaySnippet.

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Dal stood silent while Ellspeth considered the offer. At her nod, they joined the crew gathered around the sail-wrapped body. Deep breaths, Ellspeth told herself. The crew must not see your pain. Jon honored his house... and you.

Dal’s somber rendition of the words of final journey seemed far away. She hardly noticed when four crewmen took the wizard’s place at the opening in the rail. Her fingers moved of their own volition to send the flute’s haunting refrain over the water. On the dirge’s final note, the crew tilted the board. A solitary ripple marred the surface of the lake when the body dropped into its dark depths.

End of Excerpt

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Windmaster  - Available at these online bookstores

I hope you like the snippet I shared for Dal and Ellspeth this week. Be sure to read the other Weekend Writing Warriors blogs and the #SnippetSunday authors for more great reads.

 ~till next time, Helen


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