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Z is for Zoo

"Z" is one of the hard letters of the challenge. None of the fantasy worlds nor the characters who live in them have names that begin with "Z." The one exception was used in the 2019 A-Z in April Challenge where the letter stood for Zethar, the golden mare from Windmaster Legacy. So I picked writing about a zoo.

Now you might ask what does a zoo have to do with writing?

A zoo is one of my favorite places to photograph animals. Some of the images have appeared in print articles, others in blog posts. Sometimes the animals are the inspiration for creatures that appear in my novels. One such inspiration was a giraffe who graciously posed for me. He became the animal called a tree-trimmer in Windmaster Legacy.

The stunning black leopards became the jungle dwelling black cats called night dwellers and the monkeys the howlers that acted as an alarm system in First Change: Legends From The Eyrie. Tigers inspired the gryphlor that appear throughout the Dragshi Chronicles.

You might notice there are no pictures of my favorite creatures. The dragons really don't like being confined and have a habit of melting the fences so they can go wandering.

This is the last post in the challenge. I hope you've enjoyed the trip to worlds of imagination.

If you're interested in following other blogs in the A to Z in April challenge, click on the logo for the master list of the other participants.

~till next time, Helen 

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Photographing animals in zoo and collecting them and using them. I should also try it after this corona challenge is tamed.

    Congratulations for successful A to Z Blogging.
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