
Hooked on Golem. Vision in the Bowl, #MFRWhooks



Magic animated the golem. Can someone without powers stop them?

A snippit from Windmaster Golem. To set the stage, the last snippit held part of Kiasel's first hint of her stalker. Now we see who was on the other end of the ethereal cord.



“Tell me your name,” Relliq cooed. “I must know your name.”

In response, a sense of determination, then a clear rejection of the command came through the silver cord connecting him to the woman in the water. The image shifted. Even at the distance, Relliq could feel her gathering magic into a protective cloak.
Despite his demand for her to stay, the water returned to its natural state. Not even a ripple noted the passing of the ethereal connection.
“No,” he yelled. “I will have you.” His mind searched through the spells and incantations he knew. A quick search of the room and he realized he didn’t have the necessary materials for a spell. The image of the place of torment, the healer’s workroom, filled his mind. Containers of herbs lined the shelves and withies hung from pegs. “Ysbail’s shelves are full. She won’t miss a few things.
His feet took control and a heartbeat later he raced through the empty streets to the healer’s office. He barely slowed as he barrelled over the threshold and didn’t slow until he reached the back room. Rummaging through the wooden box in which she kept small items needed for the casting of magic, he palmed a spool of thread. A twist removed the cap from a finger-length wooden tube and he slid a needle out. “I just need one more thing.” A moment to center his thoughts and he cast his senses outward until he slipped into the Cyrcle of One. His hand hovered over the rolls of tubes containing maps of the known world.
“Powers that be, work through my hand, Show me the place so I can command.”
Where before the shaft of light coming through the window lit a small dot on the floor, now the beam slid across the stones and up the bookcase. It lingered at one spot until a tube glowed.

~ * ~

Windmaster Golem Available At:
Paperback: Amazon / Barnes&Noble / Amazon UK /
Ebook: Amazon / Kobo / More ebook stores


  1. Relliq sounds so desperate. I hope his magic sows him everything he needs.

  2. He sounds like a determined man. Hope he knows what he's doing!

  3. You have such amazing covers!

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