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The Sentry, #MFRWHook

Although my excerpts for the MFRW Book Hooks are usually romance, this week's book hook is a reprise of one taken from Hearth and Sand. Presented for your consideration are selected verses from the poem aptly titled, "The Sentry." Like the other stories in the collection that comprises Heart and Sand, "The Sentry" reflects a continuity of service from the past to the present. 
Although the poem pertains to a tomb of an unknown soldier, the inspiration for this piece did not come from the laying of a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia  or the toss of a wreath into the sea. Instead it was from solemn commemorations held in a small town to mark the one-year anniversary of 9-11-2001. The image of a sentry was a solitary bagpiper atop a hill. The flag was not draping a casket but hoisted from the extended ladder of a firetruck. A line of helmets atop empty boots symbolized the cost of duty.


Eerie notes float across the field
A signal that day is done.
But not for me... not for me
I am the chosen one.

My task is simple
The command understood.
To stand my post
Here at the edge of the woods.

From each generation one soul is drawn
From among the honored dead.
No name is known, no one can mourn
He is a chosen one, a sentry for the dead.

And now I join them
An American soldier known but to God.
We came from desert, jungle, and field.
I am the latest of the lost.


For the rest of the poem, I hope you'll consider buying Hearth and Sand. Amazon     More Ebook Sellers 

The tales in Hearth and Sand cross genre from contemporary to historical, and science fiction to poetry and are a collection of twelve tales of those who served on the front lines and the stories of loved ones left behind who preserved the home front. Set universes apart and separated by decades in time, the stories reflect a continuity of service from the past to the present and into the world of tomorrow. Although the events are fictional, the voices captured within these pages came from historical notes, veterans’ own words, letters left by their ancestors, or contemporary events. Pen was put to paper while watching fighter planes land in the Philippine Islands and in the shaded woods of a stateside farm.

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This Veterans Day, thank a vet. For freedom isn't free. Thank you for your service.


  1. This is a wonderful idea for a poem, and of course magically appropriate for the day.

  2. I have to agree, great poem, thank you for sharing.

    All posts today have been shared on #PMInc's Excerpts & Promotions


  3. Thanks for sharing the touching poem.

  4. November is a melancholy month and the poem brings additional poignancy.

  5. A very poignant poem. Thanks for sharing


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