
Imprisoned in Stone, One Spell Broken, But... #MFRWHook


For the next several weeks, the posts will showcase magic of a darker kind from Imprisoned in Stone.
To set the stage, Colwynn has an unexpected visitor at his quarters, yet another of the women selected by the Brethren as his potential mate. Only he discovers that she did not come of her own free will, but under a magical compulsion. The excerpt focuses on his continued attempts to protect her.


Gathering the living ribbons of light, Colwynn wove them into a glittering crown that he slid over Aine’s blonde curls. After a moment’s respite, he started the protection against any future geas. Although he intended his words to ring out with strength, they sounded barely above a whisper.

“Fire of mountains, strength of iron,
Remove the geas from this innocent’s soul.
Crown of sprites, power of life,
Restore the free will that was stole.
Her destiny be hers to decide,
Not obstructed by man, magic, or tide.
So mote it be.”

His spell echoed with the hum of fluttering wings. After a moment’s respite, he cried out, “Sprites of the clouds, assist me.” Summoning power from deep in his being and merging it with that of the eldritch spirits, he created a stronger block than he had believed possible. The glow flowed over the sleeping woman until a golden light encased her entire body. Still, the sprites’ song rose in volume. At the crescendo, a flare from the bed blinded Colwynn.

Imprisoned in Stone:

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  1. Poetry is full of magic.

    Well done, Helen.

  2. Beautifully described crown... I can almost imagine it.

    Today's Posts have been shared on #PMInc's Excerpt & Promotions Facebook Page.


  3. Sounds like what happened is more than expected

  4. He's blinded by his own magic? . . . or perhaps because she is the one for him?


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