
2021 D : Dragon

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 Since I like to hang out with mages and fly with dragons, it should come as no surprise that I chose dragons for the letter "D."  



Dragons inhabit two of the fantasy worlds I've lived in: the Dragshi Chronicles and the work-in-progress I refer to as Fire and Amulet.

Trelleir is a true dragon, the last of his kind, and an orphan. When he broke his shell, the rookery was filled with nothing but shattered shells and the remains of a bonfire. He has an earth magic of his own which enables him to take on human form.

He has lived amongst and has been friend to several residents of Darceth, and has acquired some human traits such as the love of good food and books. Even when in human form, he still prefers to live in a cave. Unlike the stark interior of the cave where he was born, the one he made is own is full of books and items collected from his journey around the land. His tale and that of the slayer sent to destroy him is going to be told in Fire and Amulet.

In contrast are the dragons of the Dragshi Chronicles. When certain humans are born, the dragons sing a welcome, not just for the human babe, but also its dragon soul twin. The dragon half of the paring usually signals its existence when its human mate reaches early adulthood. However, most of the dragon soul twins just watch the goings of the world from their quiet corner of the human twin's mind. 

The dragons in the Dragshi Chronicles come in a variety of colors. Beylnea is a yelllow dragon with gold eyes, while Erarien is silver. Fitheach is black and has gray eyes. Llewlyn is amber. The gold flecks in his black eyes sparkle when he is happy or flare when he is angry. 

In many ways the dragons mirror their human soul twin. Llewlyn has a black streak that stretches across his wings. The mark matches a scar that runs across Branin, his human half's back from shoulder to shoulder. As Branin is the most skilled fighter amongst his kind, Llewlyn is the largest of his. He also has a distinct personality of their own. Besides a sense of human, one of his traits is to express his opinion, and when he refers to a human he doesn't like just pictures them rather than using their name.

You can learn more about the dragshi and their dragon soul twins in the Dragshi Chronicles.

The Dragshi Chronicles - one click to estores 

If you're following other blogs in the challenge, here's the master list of the other participants.

To make following the hop easier, here is the link to all my posts. Just remember, the next day's post isn't live until midnight.

~ till next time, Helen

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