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Hooked on Windmaster Golem, Bookqw Dark #mfrwhooks

 Magic animated the golem. Can someone without powers stop them?

A snippit from Windmaster Golem using the Book Quote Word, DARK. To set the stage, Relliq is not happy with his assignment as apprentice to a village healer. While she is out on a mission of mercy, he experiments with magic.  The result is the first encounter between competitors for Kiansel's affection.

Relliq threw more magic into the spell. A man appeared. Tall and wide-shouldered, he strode with confidence along at steep trail. Gray ropes snatched at his legs. The air around the figure thickened and within a heartbeat became an impenetrable haze.
Now the liquid in the bowl once again showed its true nature. As he had just moments before, Relliq searched his memory for the means to use and control the spell. A pairing came to mind. “Night be dark, light be gone, mist turn into a living fog,” he hissed.
What had been a haze thickened and pulsed in a rhythm that mirrored a heartbeat.
Relliq’s lips parted. He leaned closer to the bowl. The shadowed man fell, rose to his feet, shambled a few paces, fell again, then on hands and feet crawled through the swirling mass. Movement ceased when the figure placed his back against a sheer rock face.
The liquid in the bowl shimmered, then exploded. Sparks flew around the room, landing on the table, the floor, and in Relliq’s hair. Slaps put out the embers that burned his skin and clothes. Remnants of the shattered spell danced along the bowl’s rim as glowing sprites. After a frenetic dance, they merged and flared into a solid flame. A shriek at the pain in his hands and Relliq threw the bowl against the wall. Fire flowed down the wall where the blood droplets touched the stone.
His hastily whispered dispersion spell touched the flames which flickered into nothingness to cast the room into darkness. A single moonbeam pierced the gloom and moved across the room to pin the doorway in a spectral glow.
~ * ~

And don't miss the holiday special. The entire Windmaster Novels series is only $1.50 at Smashwords.

Paperback: Amazon / Barnes&Noble /

Ebook: Amazon / Kobo / More ebook stores


  1. WOW what an excerpt. What will happen next. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed it.

  2. Once Relliq gets a little more practice with magic, people better watch out for him.


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