
2022 K : Karst #MFRWhooks


Introducing some of my favorite people (or people I love to hate) from the fantasy, Fire and Amulet, you are invited to meet Karst.

Physical Description

Karst is good looking enough that he should catch every woman's attention. The problem is there aren't many unattached women of proper age in Darceth. The village is small and isolated so that everyone knows everyone else.

Even though his father is the head dragon slayer, interpreter for the Goddess, and leader of the Council of Elders, Karst's arrogance has most townspeople avoiding him. As does his reputation as the town bully.



Officially a slayer, Karst avoided the worst of the training. As a result, his fighting skills were not perfect. It didn't make a difference whether his sparring partners used staff or sword to win. They seldom won more than once as Karst would use his influence with his father to punish those who humiliated him.

Karst wants to achieve power because so doesn’t have to work, but can’t because his father as Head Slayer won’t give up any power or allow Karst to do anything. Until he sends Karst out on the quest to kill Deneas and Trelleir.

More About Her (Secrets or Public)

Karst's greatest fear is being sacrificed to the Goddess like others who disappointed or crossed his father


I hope you enjoyed this introduction to Karst. 

If this post and the ones that came before intrigues you,  the rest of the story of Deneas and Trelleir is at Books2Read.

 Sales Sites for Fire and Amulet at Books2Read.

To make following the A to Z Challenge easier, you can find all my posts at 2022 AtoZ Connections. Just remember, the next day's post isn't live until midnight.

~till next time, Helen 


If you're following other blogs in the challenge, here's the master list of the other participants

Since it's Wednesday, this post is doing double duty. The rest of the Book Hooks hop is at http://mfrwbookhooks.blogspot.com




  1. Loved the book. Hope to hear more about the characters, especially Karst. His part in the story seemed unfinished

  2. Karst sounds like a fascinating character and his world sounds like a nice place to visit...
    On second thought, it sounds like a terrible place to visit! Too many threats of death. I think it would be safer to just read about it.


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