
2022 N : Nothing


This is going to be the shortest post of the challenge. "N" is for Nothing. I don't normally suffer from writer's block. But there were a few letters in the challenge that refused to cooperate. "N" is one of them. Hence, the title, "N" is for Nothing.

There were no character names beginning with "N" that I could do a character showcase. If you scan the map, villages are few and far between. And often unnamed. An exception is Nawddmir.

Unlike Darceth, Deneas' home, which is on the dry side of the mountains and surrounded by desert, Nawddmir is on the wet side. Those fortunate enough to escape Caldar's rule find sanctuary in Darceth.


To make following my posts in the challenge easier, you can find all my posts at 2022 AtoZ Connections. Just remember, the next day's post isn't live until midnight.

~till next time, Helen 


If you're following other blogs in the challenge, here's the master list of the other participants




  1. I like your honesty that you couldn't come up with anything for the letter N. Thankfully nothing does start with N :) I'm having trouble with the letter X this year myself.


  2. But nothing did manage to stretch to a post. Good luck with a to z

    Dropping by from a to z http://afshan-shaik.blogspot.com/


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