
Meet The ArchMage Lord Dal #mfrwhooks

Continuing the new series of posts introducing some of my favorite people (or people I love to hate) from the sword and sorcery romantic fantasy series, the Windmaster Novels, you are invited to meet Lord Dal.

Physical Description

In Windmaster Legacy, Dal is in his early thirties. Even though men from the M’twan Mountains run to long in the leg, Dal is a full head taller than many of his kin. The scars on his forearms from practice blades and actual battles tell of his experiences as a mercenary trained before his powers asserted themselves.

Dal's black hair is short on sides and falls to just below shoulder in back. Besides his muscular frame which hints at his true strength, one of the first things many people notice about him are his light brown eyes that tend to sparkle with an internal amusement.

Desperate to get her goods undercover before the heat ruined them, Ellspeth searched the bustling docks. She focused on a man. Not because he busily shifted crates, but because he lounged against a barrel placed in the shade.
His clothes seem of good quality. Maybe he’s a local tradesman. After a second look at the well-worn loose breeches, tight vest, and leather neckband, she corrected herself. Or, the younger son of a chieftain from the Mtwan mountain region. A few quick steps took her to the loafer who watched her approach, amusement sparkling in his light brown eyes.
“You look strong. I will pay you ten coppers for the day. That is double the going rate. Payment when Sea Falcon is unloaded.”
Accustomed to an immediate response from her crew, Ellspeth’s fists clenched at his insolent stare when he ignored her and took another bite of his meat roll. His gaze holding hers, he raised his earthen mug in salute. “Do you even have ten coppers?



Dal is the younger son of a mountain clan. His friendship with Fraunces, King of the Second Kingdom, started when Dal presented him with one of the favored horses from the Mtwan mountains that he had captured and broke to bit and bridle.

More About Him (Secrets or Public)

Dal became the last surviving member of the wizard’s council when a rogue mage murdered everyone on the Isle of Mages. However, even before every other trained wizard died, Dal was the head of the council.

I hope you enjoyed this introduction to Dal.  Find excerpts by clicking on the cover in the banner. For more of Windmaster Legacy, find the information below.  

Buy Links: One click to ebook sellers
Paperback at Amazon


  1. Sounds like a fascinating character, Helen. ;^)

  2. Lord Dal sounds amazing, Helen!

  3. He's a great character. I enjoy all your books

  4. Wow, kinda rude to say such a think. Great character. Loved the excerpt. Thanks for sharing!


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