
Meet Lord Branin of the Dragshi #MFRWHooks

For the next in the series of posts introducing some of my favorite people (or people I love to hate) from the fantasy romances of the Dragshi Chronicles, you are invited to meet Lord Branin of the Dragshi.

Physical Description

Although Branin who is long-lived like the rest of the Dragshi looks 29, in reality he is 300 years old. His wavy hair is dark with amber highlights. He wears it short on sides. Longer in the back, it kisses the collar of his tunic. One lock perpetually falls over his face when he's excited. To those who know him well, his gray eyes can offer insight into his emotions.

His physical strength is apparent even in loose travel clothes. A trained mercenary, he is so skilled and strong that only one of the dragshi, his friend Liam, will meet Branin in either unarmed or armed combat. Remnants from his fighting days include a narrow scar along his jaw line and a long scar runs across his back from shoulder to shoulder.


Branin's marriage to his first love, Caralene, was not only short-lived, but full of heart-ache. Their only child died during its first year of life.

More About Lord Branin Llewlyn (Secrets or Public)

Between the education he received as the younger son of a clan leader, as an officer in a mercenary troop, then later as a dragon lord, Branin was well prepared to serve as adjudicator when called to judge disputes between holds or lands.

A trait he inherited, then developed to its full potential was the skill of working with horses. A master horse trainer he rides Marsainn, the head stallion of Cloud Eyrie. Magical creatures, the seidhern choose their rider and are only ridden by dragonlords.

Branin is the only one of his generation who can wield the powers dragon fire embued in the sword called Mt’wan Comraich. The holder can fight with it for hours, use it to create an illusion of invisibility or to make one running horse appear to be a thundering herd.

I hope you enjoyed this introduction to Lord Branin Llewlyn of Cloud  Eyrie. Find excerpts by clicking on the cover in the banner. For more of Hatchling's Curse and the rest of the Dragshi Chronicles, find the information below.

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