
Cover your Ears #MFRWhooks


In the next of the series of posts introducing some of my favorite people (or people I love to hate) from the fantasy romances of the Dragshi Chronicles, you are invited to meet Waljan, aka the Parant, who appears in Hatchling's Mate and Hatchling's Vengeance.

Physical Description

Long straight gray hair emphasizes his age. While the leather band worn around his head like a crown states his role as the cult's leader known as the Parant, a clue to his real personality is the grubby soutaine he wears.


Two of Waljan's kin have run afoul of the dragshi. He is distant kin of Broch, whose determination to wed Branin for the power and prestige of bedding a dragon lord led her to a life of crime and the attempted murder of Branin's intended mate, Anastasia. (Dragon Destiny, Hatchlings Curse) Waljan is also the uncle of Haldric. His obsession with the dragshi revolved around only one of the dragon lords, the Lady Lexii Beylnea. (Hatchling's Mate, Hatchling's Vengeance)

Waljan hates shifters because his wife died in childbirth and he blamed the dragshi whose healing fire failed to save them. He taught members of his cult that the dragons and dragshi are the cause of everything from failed crops to drought.

More About Waljan (Secrets or Public)

Talann, son of Lady Anastasia Jessian and Lord Branin Llewlyn, becomes the focus for Waljan's hatred of the dragon lords when he goes undercover in the Parant's cult.

The Parant is able to mesmerize people using his voice. After attending a service in the audience room, his followers will give him all of their belongings. Women will willingly go to his bed. At his command, a follower will leap to their death in the darkness of the pit behind the altar.

Waljan's control was so strong that if he clapped his hands, the believer would feel the blow as if flesh struck flesh.

I hope you enjoyed this introduction to the Parant  Find excerpts for Hatchling's Mate and Hatchling's Vengeance by clicking on the covers in the banner.

Buy Links: One click to sellers  Hatchling's Mate  /   Hatchling's Vengeance

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