
Meet Talann

In the next of the series of posts introducing some of my favorite people (or people I love to hate) from the fantasy romances of the Dragshi Chronicles, you are invited to meet Talann of Hatchling's Mate and Hatchling's Vengeance.

Physical Description

Talann is in his early 20s when Hatchling's Mate takes place. Broad shouldered, his physical strength is apparent even in loose travel clothes. 

His gray, smokey colored eyes change to black with intense emotion.

He has wavy dark hair with amber highlights which he wears short on the sides and kisses his collar in the back. One lock perpetually falls over his face when he's sparring.


The son of two dragon lords, Talann was given the best education in everything from the high arts to weaponry to the rule of law. Although his training and education was varied, he preferred working with weapons. He is a marksman with the long bow and is even better with long sword. Talann is so skilled and strong, few will meet him in either unarmed or armed combat, except for Kynan who was his first friend in Cloud Eyrie and Glyn, bodyguard to the dragon lord, Lady Lexii.

More About Talann (Secrets or Public)

As one of only two children born to dragon lords, it was expected Talann would marry Lexii. The only problem is that they could not stand to be together. Her mere presence in the same room grated against his soul like an iron nail dragged against a rock.

Talann's greatest fear is that he doesn’t have a dragon soul. Without one, he won’t ever go through first change and become a full-fledged dragon lord in his own right. They hadn't said anything but Talann knew it would disappoint his parents.

Besides his aptitude for weaponry, Talann is also a skilled horse trainer and rides a magnificent seidheirn named Ohlmar. If you haven't read any of the Dragshi Chronicles, a seidheirn appears to be a large horse, but in reality is a magical creature, only ridden by dragonlords. Evidence of his place in the world, Talann doesn't ride just any stallion, but the son of Marsainn, head stallion of the Cloud Eyrie seidhern herd.

A secret no one beyond the lady ruler of the dragshi and Talann's parents is that like his father Branin before him, Talann is the only man of his generation who can handle the enspelled sword, Mt’wan Comraich.


Glyn turned a stern gaze on the river. “Talann, if you’re going to cross, you had better do it now.” 

“My father couldn’t order me not to try to save those trapped, whether man or beast,” Talann growled. “Dragshi or not, Lexii won’t stop me.” 

Out of the darkness, panicked bugles and terrified screams rose over the pounding of water. Glances at his friends told Talann of their readiness to support whatever decision he made. “Bring the ropes.” A tug stripped off his rain-logged tunic. “And the grease.”

Preparations for the crossing finished to the sound of approaching hoof beats. Talann stood naked except for his linen briefs and ankle high boots. His skin glistened from the grease smeared on it to cut the drag of the water. In a sweeping look, he evaluated the line of men behind him. Each held a determined grip on the lines, the only chance of salvation for their loved ones

Kynan gave the narrow cords tied around Talann’s chest a tug. “Ready when you are.”

Three deep breaths later, Talann pulled off his boots and tossed them aside. He let enough air escape to give the order. “Let’s do this.” His teeth chattering from the cold, he waded out into the rough waves and in a lithe move, dove into the dark depths.

* *  *

I hope you enjoyed this introduction to Talann.  Buy links for Hatchling's Mate or Hatchling's Vengeance along with the rest of the Dragshi Chronicles are below.

Buy Links to paperback and ebook sellers

~till next time, Helen


  1. Love this visual: panicked bugles. Lovely. What a way to create tension.

  2. You left us hanging! Great intro to him.

  3. The dive into the water. Keeps us hanging

  4. Enjoyed your excerpt, but now what, left us hanging. Great hook.


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