
Blue From Hearth and Sand #WeWriWa #snippetsunday #SnipSun


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write ... and read.

In honor of Military Appreciation Month, an excerpt from Echoes From The Valley, a tale from "Echoes From The Valley," a short story in the multi-genre anthology, Hearth and Sand.  The story was inspired by a night at a military reenactment held on the site of a Revolutionary War battle. And now the Sunday Snippet using the #BookQW "Blue."


The setting sun cast blood-red streaks on the lines of small white tents that covered the meadow. Men in blue jackets turned gray with the dust of marched miles rested for the night around a hundred small campfires. Without the spectators, the re-enactment camps became solitary havens for the weary soldiers just as those wartime ones more than a hundred and fifty years ago.

My long skirt softly swished a path through the ankle-high grass as I walked. The shawl clutched tightly around my shoulders offered little protection against the evening dampness. An occasional soldier would touch the brim of his short-billed cap as I passed. There were few women in the camps, and always acknowledged, even on the eve of battle.

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Hearth and Sand: Stories from the Front Lines and the Homefront

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