
An Intruder, Imprisoned in Stone #WeWriWa

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write ... and read!
Today's excerpt is from the opening scene of the dark fantasy Imprisoned in Stone.

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Maerva opened eyes to a darkness, not only of her room, but of the soul. The sense of a presence held her motionless, even though she knew no entry was possible through the closed door or shuttered window. Air whispered over her skin as if someone touched her cheek. A breath later, the impression of an intruder vanished.

 The roar of waves crashing against the cliff, something she had heard since birth, comforted Maerva and pushed away the residual fear. Deep breaths removed more of the tension from her body, even though her skin remained clammy from perspiration. The moon reappeared from behind its filtering curtains of haze. No longer obscured, the low-hanging globe sent a shaft of white light streaming through the window. The beam moved up the wall beyond her bed, turning the darkness into a shadowed frame. Glimmering letters written by a ghostly hand resolved into words.

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I hope you like the snippet I shared from Imprisoned in Stone. Be sure to read the other Weekend Writing Warriors blogs and the #SnippetSunday authors for more great reads. 

~til next time. Helen


  1. This is so atmospheric. I especially like this line: "Air whispered over her skin as if someone touched her cheek."

  2. great descriptions, very "atmospheric" indeed to use Kate's word.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Emotionally descriptive scene.


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