
A New Task Imprisoned in Stone #wewrwa



Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Today's excerpt is from the dark fantasy Imprisoned in Stone. This scene takes place the day of the mage's arrival and gives insight into Maerva's world and foreshadows what is to come. And now the Sunday Snippet.


Maerva held her breath and tried to become invisible. When needed, she assisted with the nursing, and everyone said she did it well, but it did not come easy. How could she help in a healing? Especially with a female who called herself a draoch–the traditional title for a wizard? Suliceen taught that magic belonged to men. That a woman’s only power was the ability to bring life into the world. The contradiction always confused Maerva. If a girl could sail as well as a man, why couldn’t she do other things as well? So engrossed in her reflection, she forgot her surroundings until she heard her namee.
* * * *

I hope you like the snippet I shared from Imprisoned in Stone. Be sure to read the other Weekend Writing Warriors blogs and the #SnippetSunday authors for more great reads. 

~till next time, Helen

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like she has a lot to learn from the wizard!


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