
Did You Do It? Imprisoned in Stone #wewriwa #SnippitSunday


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Today's excerpt is from the dark fantasy Imprisoned in Stone. This scene takes place a few mornings after the post, A Female Wizard? The wizard Tralin asks a question. 

A sidenote on the scene. Although I am more of a plotter than pantser, especially when first starting on a work, I didn't even realize how much foreshadowing was put in last week's post and today's. 

And now the Sunday Snippet.


The wizard’s low tones blended so perfectly with the sounds of the sea, they failed to startle the sea birds pecking at the sand. “Your aunt is resting well.” For several minutes she watched the gentle waves, then returned her attention to Maerva’s face. “I have to ask you something, my dear. And I need you to answer me truthfully. Do you see the blue marks on the lintel and frame of the hall door?”

Maerva shrunk into herself, but she could not resist the command in the mage’s tone and answered with a simple, “Yes.” Encouraged by the older woman’s expression, Maerva blurted out the question that had haunted her from her first sight of the glittering symbols. “What do the ciphers mean?”

An unrestrained anger flickered from Tralin. “It means Ruadhan has much to answer for.”

* * * *

I hope you like the snippet I shared from Imprisoned in Stone. Be sure to read the other Weekend Writing Warriors blogs and the #SnippetSunday authors for more great reads. 

~till next time, Helen


  1. Nice layering of information to draw the (this!) reader in.

  2. Enjoyed the snippet a lot! Interesting that she could see the markings but doesn't understand them. And the meaning makes me want to know more! Tweeted.

  3. So she knew they had significance and was afraid to ask - she must be beginning to trust the wizard. Well done.

  4. Nice snippet and I am intrigued. Great drawing the reader in.

  5. The wizard is such an intriguing character!


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