
Thursday Thirteen - Reminisces



This Thursday Thirteen is a departure from the books I've authored or visits with the characters. The post is a reminisce of some of the people and places I've visited came about as an organization of a disk drive. There is still a trunk full of photographs that needs to be scanned and organized.

As a result of working as a correspondent, I am always aware of people's privacy issues. Especially in these days of facial recognition software, data mining, and social media. An image that was used as part of a news story, more often than not I won't use for things like a blog post. As such you won't find very many pictures of people in this list. At least easily identifiable people. Which limits the images that I will allow to be released into the world.

When dressed in period garb,
sometimes you can get close
enough for a good shot. Or at least a lucky one.
Monmouth Battlefield,
Revolutionary War Reenactment

Racked and stacked for the night.
The evening became the inspiration for
Echoes From the Valley.

Will the storm pass or not?

Springtime. A quick snap of a picture during
the short time when the cherry blossoms smiled.

A tired kitty cat.

Another tired kitty. My reading buddy who
always had an attitude.


We didn't go there for a honeymoon.
Just a side visit during a
camping trip north of the border.

One of the most photographed
places near my childhood farm



My favorite writing spot. Much better
than doctor's offices and hospital rooms.


Same spot, different time of year.

Had to sneak in something about my books.
Meet my table partner She enjoyed helping man
the table at book signings. She even got to sign
one of my books when I was doing
a walk-about at the craft show at a winery.


She was so happy that birthday with all
the family gathered for the day.
My caregiving duties might be done,
but the memories linger.


One of my favorite pictures. It still needs
a little photo shopping to clear the background.

If any of my published titles intrigue you, for blurbs, excerpts, a free read of the first chapter, and of course, buy links, click on the cover in the banner or for the series, the pull-down menu. And of course, be sure to visit the  http://newthursday13.blogspot.com to see other thirteens.

~till next time, Helen


  1. The shot of the red mill is lovely.

  2. Great images. I love the juxtaposition of the big cat and "little" cat.

  3. Your link on the New Thursday 13 site doesn't work. I can't find your most current post, so I am hoping you see this so you can correct the link.


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