
Hooked on Imprisoned in Stone, Kin by Magic or Blood

Showcasing magic of a darker kind, Imprisoned in Stone.

To set the stage, last week described Colwynn's search for a means to escape the inescapable cell. This week Maerva learns she is in danger, but fights the order to leave.


Recognizing the intractable look on Gareth's face, Maerva dumped her spell book, the journal and a few other personal belongings into the bottom of a knapsack. With quick movements she snatched clothes from the press and stuffed them into the bag. A push compressed the contents enough to add a spare dagger, and wrapped packages of cheese, bread and salted meat. She was already dressed in clothes suitable for the road, so all that remained was to shrug into a coat and strap on her weapons. The cold steel of the sword on her hip and the comforting weight of her short bow in her hand gave Maerva strength. She turned and faced Gareth, “I’m not leaving without Colwynn.”

I will find him,” Gareth insisted.

“How?” Despite herself, a hint of bitterness entered her tone. “Your magic is not strong enough.”

“I will manage.”

The realization of the meaning of the strange feeling flooded into her mind. It was Colwynn telling her to leave. 

I cannot do that. I WILL help Gareth rescue Colwynn, whether either of them likes it or not.



Purchase Imprisoned in Stone at  these sellers  


~till next time, Helen



  1. I love the realism in the description. I can't help but think that her travel bag must smell like a salami sandwich! Tweeted.

  2. Sounds like no one is going to change her mind about helping with the rescue!


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