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Dive Deep, Hatchling's Mate #WeWriWa, #SnippitSunday


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Visit the other participants on the list and read, and comment on their 8sunday posts.

Today's excerpt is from the fantasy romance Hatchling's Mate. To set, the scene, To set the scene, against all orders, Talann attempts to swim across a flooded river to save women and children stranded on a hill. (Crossing Halted).  His ribs are broken by debris. (A Question Answered)  Some help arrives (Unexpected Help), but it isn't enough.

And now the Sunday Snippet.

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Handhold by handhold, he moved along the muck. His lungs burned until the need to suck down anything, even water, overwhelmed. Only his steel-tight grip on his will prevented giving in and he blindly fought toward the next purchase. The filtered daylight did not reach the black object in front of him enough for a clear identification. He couldn’t tell if what blocked his path was the bank he sought, or he feared, a boulder with raging water on the other side.

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Buy Links: / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / More Sales Sites 

Visit the Dragshi's page for more on the Dragshi Chronicles.

I hope you like the snippet I shared for Talann / Glynnes this week. Be sure to read the other Weekend Writing Warriors blogs and the #SnippetSunday authors for more great reads. 

~till next time, Helen


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