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Hooked on Windmaster Legend, #bookqw Second, #MFRWhooks

A forbidden love. An impossible quest. The accusation of witchcraft. Can love survive?

A snippit from Windmaster Legend using the Bookqw "Second." To set the stage, Iol arrives at his first command. However, Loch Bird isn't at her berth.


A pinprick of light flickered in the darkness. Iol stared at the void beyond the dock. His intense watch resulted in capturing a second and a third flash, but he was unable to see the source.

The moon rose above the trees, limning the clouds with a dull glow. Its light showed a distant shadow that solidified into the recognizable shape of a hull. A breeze caressed Iol’s skin. Any stronger and the waves would push Loch Bird shoreward, smashing into the docks. Looking at the sky, Iol estimated he had only two candlemarks until the winds shifted towards Berife. And with the change, they would shove the vessel farther away from the shore.

Iol envisioned an even worse scenario. His ship caught in one of the north-south currents until she went aground against the rocks at the far end of the lake. Each wave would crash the ship again and again until nothing was left but splinters. I won’t lose my first command. Not before I even get aboard her.
He stripped and dove off the end of the pier. The shock of water still cold despite the summer heat stole his breath.
He stripped and dove off the end of the pier. The shock of water still cold despite the summer heat stole his breath. 

~  ***  ~

Purchase Windmaster Legend at Amazon or these sellers. And don't miss the rest of the Windmaster Novels. Find more on the entire series from the pull-down menu above.



  1. I love the word limn - it creates such an evocative sensation!

  2. Great scene, with the shock of the cold water a dramatic moment.

  3. Very suspenseful and visceral.


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