
2024 I : Introduction #mfrwhooks


As the scribe for mages and dragons, introduction usually involves the readers first meeting of a given character. There is also the balancing act to make sure that the reader knows enough about a character from a previous volume to make sense in the current story. However, for the A to Z in April challenge, a different introduction was chosen, one that is actually titled, THE INTRODUCTION.

In the short story, a young girl learns about her heritage. Those telling the story are her grandmother and a statue in a secluded grove.

THE INTRODUCTION is a story of duty, connecting the past to the present, and most importantly, to family. Inspiration for this story came from a statue in a small town’s memorial park. Although originally dedicated to those who served in World War I, plaques were added in later years to honor the fallen of World War II and Vietnam. The work was originally published as a poem in a magazine for collectors of military memorability and the author chose to retain the work’s original byline which credited her ancestress when it was transformed into a short story in Hearth and Sand.

~till next time, Helen

Hearth and Sand: Stories from the Front Lines and the Homefront  Buy Links:   One Click Link to major book sellers.




If you're following other blogs in the challenge, here's the master list of the other participants

Since it's Wednesday, this post is doing double duty. The rest of the Book Hooks hop is at http://mfrwbookhooks.blogspot.com


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