
2024 R : Remember


The characters we create (or whose tales we tell for them) do not spring into existence with the first words of a novel. Writers' guide often include the instruction to start the story 'In medias res.' Or in plainer language, in the middle of things.

So where does the character's existence prior to the novel's beginning reveal itself. What has come before the opening scene can be found in dreams, flashbacks, items left behind, and memories are ways the characters remembering past events. Writings such as letters or diaries can also be a way of remembering.

An author's note: Usually Q, X, and Z are the hardest posts to write for the challenge. This year "R" took the flag as the last topic to complete.

~till next time, Helen



If you're following other blogs in the challenge, here's the master list of the other participants.


1 comment:

  1. I still need to write R and Z for the a-to-z post. These are tough letters. Working in the past into the writing is a challenge - you want the plot to push-push-push forward, yet you need the foundation of history. I hope the rest of the challenge goes well for you.


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