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Sickness in the Camp, Fire and Redemption #wewriwa


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write ... and read. From Fire and Redemption, Book 2 of the  fantasy series, The Tear Stone Collectors. To set the scene, sickness has struck the caravan. Karst has been watching Brial, who has been exposed more than anyone else. Not only is she driving a wagon where nursing is going on within it, but she has helped nursed all her kin. And now the SundaySnippet.


Terse commands sent the helwr to bring back Brial’s grandfather. Hopefully, Feldt can convince Brial what is best for her.

Hoofbeats announced the caravan leader’s arrival. “Tywyll said you wanted me?” Before Karst could answer the older man scanned the drivers of the following wagons. A worried expression on his face, he raised his eyebrows in question. “Brial?”

Karst forced out the words through his tight throat. “She has the fever.” 

* * * *

Available in Ebook or Paperback at Amazon
Additional sites at Books2Read

I hope you like the snippet. Be sure to read the other Weekend Writing Warriors blogs and the #SnippetSunday authors for more great reads.

~till next time, Helen


  1. Words to inspire tons of emotions. Well dne!

  2. That sounds bad. Seems like Feldt was right to be worried about Brial. Looking forward to more next week!

  3. You make it clear from their words and tone how dire the sickness is. I can't wait to see if she pulls through.

  4. Sickness is never a good thing. Hopefully she'll be okay.

  5. The emotions come through quite clearly. I hope she lives. Tywyll obviously cares a lot about her.


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