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Hooked on Imprisoned, Turn's End - The Ladies, #mfrwhooks

In celebration of the winter solstice, a snippit from the dark fantasy, Imprisoned in Stone of the Turn's End celebration. To set the stage, like our New Year's Eve, Turn's End is time for reflection and celebrating new beginnings. It is also a time for parties and dances. Even in the backwoods glen of the fighting wizard, Tralin, they will celebrate. In this first post, we see Maerva and Tralin getting ready for the Turn's End dance.
Even though there is only four people in the valley, they have still dressed in as formal--and fancy--outfits they have. For the night, Tralin has exchanged her pants and leathers for a gown and left her sword in her quarters.


Maerva twisted the last ringlet of dark hair into place and pinned it into a knot at the nape of her neck. Deft movements interwove the midnight blue ribbons into place and laced up the deep jade green vest. Giving it a tug, she lifted her arms and twirled to make sure the garment did not impede her movement. The ankle-length skirt flowed in a gray shimmer reminiscent of storm-tossed waves. Tonight would be her first year-end celebration away from home as an adult, and she planned to dance the night away. For the first time, she would not have to share the evening with her cousins and older sisters. In fact, the dress she wore was the first new garment she had ever owned. Satisfied she was as ready as she would ever be, she gave one final glance in the mirror and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Tralin looked up from the fireplace where steam escaped from a pair of covered pots. Light sparkled off the gold embroidery on the hem of her burgundy dress and the amber stone hung around her neck.

 ~ ~ ~

Next week will be the males' turn. But who will be Maerva's partner? Colwynn or Gareth? And how are they dressed?


 * * * *  HOLIDAY SPECIAL - $1.49 for the Kindle at Amazon * * *


Four paths--one destiny. With the power to bind souls and control all magic in the balance.

Imprisoned in Stone--available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and elsewhere


  1. This is such a carefree, lighthearted opening to a dark fantasy. I fear for this lady!

  2. Nice description of her wardrobe. Hope the dance is all she wants

  3. Her first dance! You made us feel as though we were there while she prepared. Looking forward to next week now.

  4. Building the excitement for the dance. Great storytelling.
    JQ Rose


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