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A Dream and a Warning, Fire and Amulet, #wewrwa



Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write ... and read. From Fire and Amulet, Book 1 of my  fantasy series, The Tear Stone Collectors.  And now the SundaySnippet.


Deneas opened her eyes to a darkness unbroken by even the faint glow of the crescent moon. Unease permeated her being. Her mother’s presence filled the empty house. The echo of words hung in the air, elusive and refusing to be captured. Her finger grazed her cheek where warmth from the light touch of a kiss still lingered.

The dream was obviously a warning, but of what remained unknown. The nightmares had been coming more frequently since the new moon, growing stronger each night. “Tonight’s was the worst.” Although she didn’t mean to do so, the words came out in a whisper. 

* * * *

Fire and Amulet Available At Sales Sites

I hope you like the snippet. Be sure to read the other Weekend Writing Warriors blogs and the #SnippetSunday authors for more great reads. ~till next time, Helen


  1. I haven't been to a reader event for a loooong time. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed them. Niiice buildup of tension in this quiet scene. That last line is a grabber!

  2. You evoke a delicious sense of foreboding in this snippet! Tweeted.

  3. Congrats on the event. Sounds exciting. Great snippet.

  4. Oh intriguing, dreams can we worrying and satisfying at the same time.


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