
Weekend Writing Warriors, #SnippetSunday, Shall we Fly?

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Visit the other participants on the list and read, and comment on their 8sunday posts. A reprise from the past for Windmaster Legacy, Book 2 of my fantasy series, The Windmaster Novels.

To set, the scene, Lord Dal and his mount, the gray falaire stallion, Tairneach, were in search for the captured Lady Ellspeth when the stallion snuffled a warning. Two squads of archers stepped from the concealing trees. Dust off to the left indicated mounted men galloping toward him in a flanking maneuver. When a third group of men on horseback raced into view, Dal realized he was being herded to the edge of the plateau. And now the SundaySnippet.

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   Tairneach trotted two steps toward the edge, then spun on his haunches to face the oncoming force. His commands were clear.
   “You’re sure about this?”
   Taer’s trumpeting drowned out the screeches of the circling birds.
   Dal slid his sword back into its scabbard. Lightning bolts flew from his fingers into the mass of men. Commending his fate to his ancestors, he draped himself over Taer’s neck. With a wild neigh, the stallion spun and raced to the cliff’s edge. This time he did not stop, but leaped into space.

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I hope you like the snippet I shared for Dal this week. Next week, I'll share what happened. In the meantime, be sure to read the other Weekend Writing Warriors blogs and the #SnippetSunday authors for more great reads. ~till next time, Helen


  1. I gather this isn't a flying horse, or he wouldn't be so hesitant to jump.

  2. You're correct that Tairneach is not a flying horse. Tairneach has speed, intelligence beyond the normal horse and the ability to hide himself from human eyes. No visible wings, no teleportation. But there are abilities spoken of in legend that Dal doesn't know about--And Taer is the leader and protector of his kind.

  3. Dramatic snippet indeed and of course leaves me curious about what will happen next, which is great!

  4. Talk about leaving us hanging, Helen! We'll be up in the air until next week!

  5. Wow- exciting! Love action scenes like this.

  6. Hmmm. Your comments have made me think. Can't leave you totally hanging, that would be cruel. Can't really give away the next scene. That would be a spoiler. Decisions, decision. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. WOW! Captivating snippet. Talk about leaving us hanging! hehe

  8. Now that's a leap of faith. Sounds like quite an impressive horse!

  9. Taer is impressive. And he and Dal have been together for years.

  10. OMG! Nice tease...where did the space lead?!

    1. Taer jumped into the space that is next to most cliffs--open air with ground beneath. Think Butch Cassidy and Sundance without the river. Although I don't keep the readers in anticipation long and there was foreshadowing of how it would end. Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Highly dramatic! Enjoyed the snippet...

  12. Wow! He just leaped into space! Looking forward to see where this going.

  13. Where did he leap to? I'm curious to know.

  14. That's sounds very dangerous. I can't wait to see how the landing goes.


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