
Friends For Now or Forever #MFRWauthor

Almost as soon as I signed up for the 52 week challenge I wanted to go back and delete my name. I didn't mind sharing writing tips or even some insights into my writing life. But there were the other topics--the personal ones. I'm an introvert I admit it. Groups of people do not attract me like a moth to a flame. Talking before groups I can don an outgoing personality, however, it comes at a cost of energy. And I'm old school enough that I don't share everything on social media. My personal life is my own. Which causes a problem--what to write for the challenge.

How can you introduce someone when you purposely keep in the shadows?

My husband of many years should be listed as my best friend. But telling more about him crosses the line. Best friend could also apply to two authors I've known for some years. The relationship qualifies in one way was professional, but I wouldn't want to put the Nova Scotian pixie or the wandering sailor on the spot. Or exclude one for the other. Which leaves only one thing to do--ask a few of my favorite characters. Here's their responses.

  • Anastasia - A childhood friend, Uaine and I maintained close ties for life. Despite his lack of formal training, his tactical skills matched those of the most talented senior officers. However, he was considered slow because he couldn't read. I taught him to read, he taught me to wield a sword. Skills which saved both our lives. (Dragon Destiny)
  • Lord Branin Llewlyn - Liam was one of my first friends at Cloud Eyrie after I went through First Change and joined the ranks of the dragshi. Evenly matched in fighting skills, our sparring sessions entertained the residents of Cloud Eyrie on the long, dark, winter nights. His strength of character helped sustain me during the long years I waited for another dragon lord, the one to be my mate, to appear. (Hatchlings Curse)
  • Master Talann of Cloud Eyrie - Kynan was my childhood companion, then when we reached our age he was my bodyguard, friend and confidant. And one of the few who could match me with sword or staff. His quick wit kept me sane during the dark years while my destiny unfolded. (Hatchling's Mate)
  • Glynnes of Clan Miller - Despite the different in rank and my being her bodyguard, a true friendship developed between me and the newest dragon lord, Lady Lexii Belynea. We were more than companions, but confidants to each other as well.(Hatchling's Vengeance)

However, the rules are "Meet My Best Friend." So here he is. Tighe gave me almost fifteen years of love, affection, and attitude. He'd wake me with the dawn (or first bird chirp) for his breakfast, and let me know with a gentle tap of my leg when he wanted a forbidden bite from my dinner plate. He knew when I needed a hug and loved to hog the bed. In case you haven't guessed it, my best friend had four feet and a cold nose.

~till next time. And don't forget to visit the other participants to meet their "best friend." Just because the link says it's closed, doesn't mean "no visitors are welcome." Only that new stops can't be added, so go on and visit.


  1. A very interesting approach. I'm not a total introvert, but I don't like putting my personal life on display either. Being an author means being creative enough to answer the question within the limits of your comfort zone which you did beautifully. :)

    1. Thank you for the compliment and stopping by. Glad to meet another introvert.

  2. Well, you did a fine job sharing about yourself. Can I come for steak and wine? I used to live exactly half way between Black Hawk and Nederland on the peak to peak highway in Colorado. That was fun! And I felt the same way about coming down from my mountain. Introverts UNITE!

    1. Steak and wine at Crescent Lake in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania come Memorial Day. Y'all are welcome. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Wonderful take on doing the characters' best friends! I will steal that for some interview posts! LOL! Love your kitty. I had a boots kitty for many years, too.

    1. Never heard the term boots kitty. Tigh preferred to be called a tuxedo cat. Of course he also liked tuna fish and steak, flew in an airplane, and expressed his displeasure when on a car trip and we had to slow for traffic or a red light. PS feel free to steal the character technique. It's a great way for an introvert to show things. Also I won't admit how much of my characters are me. (As are their friends)


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