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Hooked on First Change, Meeting with a Daxa, #mfrwauthor #bookqw

The dragshi are more than just a man or woman. Each are two beings–one a dragon, the other a human–sharing one body in space in time and able to change forms with the other at will. Their world and the adventures of the dragon shifters are recorded in the Dragshi Chronicles

Within each of the chronicles, the ceoltiers, the keepers of the past and teachers of the present, recount some legend. As with all such tales, some contain larger than life deeds. Others are the simple story of a man or woman doing what must be done, regardless of the cost. Sometimes embellished, the ceoltiers use the stories of times and actions past to educate and inspire.

Unlike the previous works in the series which related to the trader girl Anastasia and Lord Branin Llewlyn, First Change features the story behind the legends told in the previous volumes. First Change contains five stories of duty and honor, love and loss, happiness and despair from the chronicles. As with all such tales, some contain larger than life deeds. Others are the simple story of a man or woman doing what must be done, regardless of the cost.

Excerpt from Fire and Ice:

Drum beats echoed off the thick stone walls. The ominous sound froze both body and soul. Each roll dropped the temperature in the audience room from rafter to floor until Mirabeesh swore the polished stones dripped ice. She slid her hands into the wide sleeves of her gown for the illusion of warmth they provided. Only one man dared walk the palace in such a way—Xelme. The head daxa of the temple considered himself the equal of the throne and of its current occupant, Kai of Eruichin. No, Mirabeesh corrected, Kai and I. He married me... not as consort, but as empress. She fought to control her rising pulse.

Unlike his predecessors, Xelme used his position as a religious leader for more than spiritual guidance to his followers and believers. His tools went beyond bestowing blessings and interpreting visions. Curses and blackmail were more common. Threats replaced requests.

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Additional excerpts from the three novellas in First Change.


  1. As a dragon lover, I can't wait to read this

    1. Each of the novellas and short stories in First Change has their own tone. Some are adventure, others a romance, and there is even a love story (get out the tissues for that one.) But in Mirabeesh I found the grace and the strength of a true empress. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Nice set up of evil to come. Liked the heroine

    1. Normally I true to write antagonists who are redeemable. In Xelme I went old school. He's a villian and if he had a mustache he'd be twirling it.

  3. Wonderful description: "She slid her hands into the wide sleeves of her gown for the illusion of warmth they provided." That makes chills run down the reader's spine.

  4. A lot of tension here. I love a good villain.


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