
Paperback Book Day - how big is your pile?

Readers everywhere, come celebrate July 30th-- National Paperback Book Day.

Whilst electronic books and e-readers are becoming increasingly popular, there’s still something very special about an old fashioned book. Paperback Book Day celebrates the look, texture and experience of reading a paperback classic. Although there are those who have declared the death of paper books, almost 92% of the respondents to an online survey by the Huntsville Times preferred reading hardcopy/paperback.
Image by Trixie Liko from Pixabay

There was a time when books had heavy wooden covers bound in leather and stitched to a spine, these books are durable and attractive, but they are also very… very… heavy. In the 19th century another technique of improving the printing and publishing of books came about, the paperback novel. These books were easily portable, less expensive to produce, and provided a beautiful way to carry ones favorite book on their person. Paperback Book Day celebrates the creation of this new form of book, and the people who carry them around every day.

While I’m thrilled that my books are available in a variety of electronic formats readable on ereaders and pads, I admit that beyond my own personal preference there is another advantage of a paperback. It is hard to have an author meet and greet at a local bookstore without having something other than a flat of the cover on the table.There is something about a pile of books that just calls to many people. Of course, we can give a code for a free ebook when they buy a paperback so both sides of their reading preferences are met.


The Windmaster Novels, the dark fantasy Imprisoned in Stone and except for the last book in the series, the Dragshi Chronicles are available in paperback.  Just click on the covers at the top of this page for excerpts, a free read of the first chapter, and the latest distribution sites.

To celebrate Paperback Book Day, visit your local library, independent bookseller, or anywhere else paperback books can be found. For myself, I’m going to my library (a euphemism for several sets of shelves in my back bedroom), and pull down a favorite book. And if you love your paper books, here’s ten commandments on how-to-care-for-books.

~till next time. Helen

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