
Boarded, Windmaster , #WeWriWa, #SnippitSunday

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write!

Today's excerpt is from Windmaster, the first book of the fantasy, romance series, the Windmaster Novels. To set, the scene, Sea Falcon is becalmed and a pirate flag sighted.  And now the SundaySnippet.

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Mage light flared into being. It burned up the fog an arm’s length around Dal to reveal dark objects that were men. The green glow hovered over Dal’s head and glinted off the wizard’s sword. He swung the heavy weapon in great arcs, cutting through not only the obscuring air, but through flesh and bone. Each move severed an attacker’s limb or blocked a sword thrust. The press of a dozen halberd-wielding men forced the wizard back. With each step, the circle of the invader’s weapons tightened.

A flick of Ellspeth’s wrist sent a stiletto into a pirate’s back.

End of Excerpt

Windmaster  - Available at these online bookstores

I hope you like the snippet I shared for Ellspeth this week. Be sure to read the other Weekend Writing Warriors blogs and the #SnippetSunday authors for more great reads. ~till next time, Helen


  1. Lots of action and danger here!

  2. So she knows how to handle a sword?

  3. Nice bit of swordplay here! Love a heroine who can handle her own.

  4. Great action scene. I'm going to like this kick-butt female.

  5. Two fighters destined for each other?

  6. The fighters facing the wizard don't seem to be too bothered by the way he's felling their comrades.

  7. Dramatic! And easy to visualize from your vivid description...great snippet.

  8. Very visual. Love it! A real swashbuckler.

  9. A flick of her wrist - such power! Great snippet.


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