
Pirates Sighted, Windmaster #SnippetSunday


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Visit the other participants on the list and read, and comment on their 8sunday posts.

Today's excerpt is from Windmaster, the first book of the fantasy, romance series, the Windmaster Novels. To set, the scene, Sea Falcon has been boarded.  And now the SundaySnippet.


 “Masts ho, on the starboard bow.” Before she could act, another yell reached the already edgy crew. “Pirates! She flies a black banner crossed by white lightning.”

“Pirates! All hands to arms!” Ellspeth’s voice, pitched for battle, carried from one end of the ship to the other. “Prepare to repel boarders. No quarter!”

The Sea Falcon’s first officer spun the ship’s wheel in an attempt to avoid the unseen object. The screech of hull on hull pierced the air.

End of Excerpt

* * * *

Windmaster  - Available at these online bookstores

I hope you like the snippet I shared for Ellspeth this week. Be sure to read the other Weekend Writing Warriors blogs and the #SnippetSunday authors for more great reads. ~till next time, Helen


  1. You've set the scene for some big action.

  2. Exciting scene - but I assume she can't go far without wind.

  3. Love the excitement and tension in this snippet!

  4. Not a good situation, although I wonder if the pirates knew they were there or ran into them unseen in the fog.

  5. Hope they'll be safe. Interesting snippet.

  6. Exciting scene. I hope to read more.


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