Looking to start a new romance fantasy series? Need a new beach read? The Windmaster Novels are half-off at Smashwords.
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D is for Diomharid

For today's post in the A-Z in April challenge I decided to showcase a city from the world of Windmaster. Diomharid is a legendary city that is said to rise every 100 years from the depths of a mountain lake. The mountain itself is a dormant volcano that is part of a chain that runs through the middle of the desert.

Magic is part of Diomharid's legend. In a time before time, a mage named Belrum walked out of the desert. He created the school of magic and formed the Council of Mages. Then as an old man is said to have returned to the desert and a city with golden gates called Diomharid.

Image by Smim Bipi from Pixabay
Inspiration for the city was Shangri-la. Except instead of traversing snow-filled mountain passes to reach the city, water and magical wards protect Diomharid. Only someone with talent can see the truth of the city beneath the waters. 

And to get to it, you have to find the way through the illusions and pitfall traps of the underground maze of tunnels. More on Diomharid will be revealed when Windmaster Golem is released in autumn 2020.

Click on the button to find my next post in the challenge.  Remember, it won't be live until midnight after this entry.
If you're interested in following other blogs in the A to Z in April challenge, click on the logo for the master list of the other participants.

~till next time, Helen 

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