In most fantasy worlds, horses and sailing ships are two of the most common means of transportation, besides flying on dragon back, of course. In the worlds of the Windmaster Novels, the equines are called fàlaire. While they look like nothing more than big horses, they are magical creatures of intelligence, loyalty and character. One herd lives in the vale near the Isle of mages.
Falaire choose their riders and the relationship usually lasts for lie. The reason is unknown but as a rule, only someone with powers is selected as a rider. Falaire possess an earth magic that provies them with unusual speed and stamina, and the ability to leap large boulders in a single bound. More senior members of the herd have mastered the ability to make themselves invisible, even to the scrying of a mage.
Although falaire won't attack a human, they will defend another member of the herd. And since they consider their riders as adopted members of the herd will defend them as well.
A prime example of a fàlaire's loyalty is Tairneach. Taer is not only the head stallion of the fàlaire herd in the vale, but he also chose Lord Dal, the archmage, as his rider--and his friend. A former mercenary, Dal is as skilled with a weapon a an incantation. Taer is battle trained and has fought alongside Dal. Taer's skills are so great he is worth a squad of men.

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~till next time, Helen
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