
2021 N : Never Say Never

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For some strange reason I am having more difficulty with the easier letters than the ones considered harder. Opening the dictionary to the letter "N" I closed my eyes, ran my finger down the page, and where it stopped was the topic to be written--the word "Never." The first thought was Sean Connery in Never Say Never Again. But no, I didn't want to opine on the movie. Then I searched my published works to find any snippets that included the desired word.

Among them were these lines from FIRE AND ICE.

She headed to her favorite spot, a bench beneath the spreading branches of a dragon fruit tree. Tiny green buds heralded the upcoming blossoms—and reminded her of the earlier portent she would never see the trees bear fruit. To push back the dark thoughts, Mirabeesh strained to recall the dreams. For the past season, a vision of flying over a vast ocean or the lingering whisper of silver tones filled her sleep. 

And a different scene from Imprisoned in Stone that featured romance.

Dark eyes looked out from beneath the fur-rim of the hood. Maerva’s gaze never left Gareth’s face. He wondered if she experienced the same reaction to him as he did to her.

As authors we are supposed to share something about ourselves. In a previous life, I helped design and program computers and test the code and applications are not. Back then data was entered via punch cards and the computer rooms were basically climate-controlled warehouses with raised floors full of cabling. The computers and their miscellaneous such as magnetic tape drives filled the space. Years later my employer at the time wanted us to have a computer st home so we could assist our foreign customers who always had a problem loading their drives at 2am on a Sunday morning. And we would have to bring it back after the weekend.
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Now laptop computers weren't around then. I would have had to schlep the tower, monitor, and keyboard, plus six large binders of code on the subway and train. My response to, "If I was willing to have a computer at home"--NEVER. 

Time and turns change things. My cell phone is a mini-computer, the laptop is not indispensible, the last camera used to accompany articles is digital, and the latest acquisition was a digital tablet/ereader. Which, is in essence, a hand-held computer.

So as the movie says, Never Say Never Again. 









First Change: Legends From The Eyrie
Print and ebook  - Amazon
More ebook  sites
Imprisoned in Stone  --  On sale in Kindle format at Amazon
Print and ebook - Amazon
More ebook sites

If you're following other blogs in the challenge, here's the master list of the other participants.

To make following the hop easier, here is the link to all my posts. Just remember, the next day's post isn't live until midnight.

~ till next time, Helen


  1. I would think of J.M. Barrie and Never Never land. I appreciate your insights. My dad was a computer engineer in the 196o's and my sister was one in the mid eighties. When I graduated college I worked at my Dad's company and soddered moterboards for a summer. All those periods are so far from what they are now.

  2. We should never say never. The world moves so quickly these days. How could we have known that by 2020 everyone would carry a computer in their pockets?


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