
2021 M : Music For the Soul and Inspiration

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I admit I don't always have music on when writing. Jotting notes in a doctor's office while waiting for your appointment or during an ICU bedside vigil isn't conducive to playing tunes. But that doesn't mean that music is not part of my writing life. Although each book tends to have its own playlist, certain songs trigger a mood or emotion so that the tunes transfer from book to book.

Celtic flute and harp always send my mind to a fantasy world where magic rules and dragon fly. On the player now is "Celtic Twilight" by Gabrielle Angelique.

Music for a quest, hopelessness, and loneliness is conveyed by the haunting piano solo played at the end of each episode of The Incredible Hulk.

Roger Whitaker's "The Last Farewell" sets the tone for the night before the battle; while "Ireland's Call" by Celtic Thunder takes me into the fight. The cost of duty and honor is covered by songs from my younger days. I acknowledge that it dates me,  I know them from the original time of release.

  • "Twelve O'Clock High" -- a little haunting, a little thunder, battle fever is quickened by this theme from a television series of the same name
  • When combined with "The Last Farewell, "Lullaby" by Sgt. Barry Sadler emphasizes that the cost of duty is not just between lovers, but can also involve children.
Sometimes just a few notes can take you to another place and time or focus a character in your mind. For Hatchling's Mate and Hatchling's Vengeance, "Desperado" from the Eagles set the title characters, Lord Talann Fitheach and Glynnes firmly in my mind. I couldn't decide on what song to use for Gynnes as her own. One was "Brothers In Arms" chosen because she was as much as warrior as any man... and paid the price. 

If the songs or the story they've inspired sound intriguing, click on the covers in the banner for excerpts of what the music helped create.

If you're following other blogs in the challenge, here's the master list of the other participants.

To make following the hop easier, here is the link to all my posts. Just remember, the next day's post isn't live until midnight.

~till next time, Helen

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. I love that each book has its own playlist and you have some overarching mood tunes as well.


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