
2021 L : Life

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In the course of living, you may be called upon to wear many hats. As a caregiver, I've needed to be a physical therapist, medication manager, speech therapist, chauffeur and practical duty nurse. Among the more mundane tasks are cooking, cleaning, and laundry.

With all those many hats, life often interrupts writing. The tales my characters have demanded told have been captured during late-night bedside vigils, in doctor offices, and while sitting on hard, plastic chairs in emergency rooms.

There are other ways that life can affect writing and its associated activities. COVID-enforced isolation severely impacted meeting other writers. Yes some events went virtual and the lectures could theoretically be listened to, the events were generally smaller with fewer speakers which reduced the possibility of giving one. The caregiving function added even more problems. Conflicting appointments and calls for help (a bathroom run was always needed just as an interesting program started) always seemed to haunt when I tried to attend meetings, workshops, or conventions.

Here's to hoping that 2021 is a better run than 2020.

If you're following other blogs in the challenge, here's the master list of the other participants.

To make following the hop easier, here is the link to all my posts. Just remember, the next day's post isn't live until midnight.

~ till next time, Helen

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